Long Covid Analysed
Long Covid Analysed Podcast
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and long Covid risk

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and long Covid risk


Reviewing the outlying patterns in Long Covid is an essential part of research. Comprehensive understanding must be able to explain unexpected findings in a disease.

The prostate gland sits just under the bladder and is also connected to the urethra to allow passage of semen and seminal fluid during ejaculation through the penis.

There is likely to be inflammation as a part of the pathology with BPH and evidence suggests that any focus can become dysregulated after SARS-COV2 infection.

Long Covid Analysed
Long Covid and the association with T-cell dysregulation
Listen now (6 min) | Long Covid appears to be complex because we are treating it as a single disease. In reality, it may be an exacerbation of underlying inflammatory issues, unmasked by the infection. My question is, why can it not settle within a few months like most other post viral conditions…
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Below is a table demonstrating the comorbidities associated with long Covid. BPH is at 12%! Ejaculation difficulty is the 4th most common complaint around long Covid.

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Long Covid Analysed
Long Covid Analysed Podcast
Thorough investigation into all aspects of long Covid disease