Long Covid Analysed
Long Covid Analysed Podcast
Visceral Scleroderma, the closest parallel to long Covid?

Visceral Scleroderma, the closest parallel to long Covid?

Systemic sclerosis (Scleroderma) is an autoimmune disease primarily affecting connective tissue in the body.

This means the skin has increased deposition of collagen and may become tight. The characteristic pattern is tight skin on the face, with a pinched nose and difficulties opening mouth.

There are none of these patterns in long Covid so why do I see a connection?

In a rare form of scleroderma, there is no skin involvement and the cytokine patterns and propensity to micro clots (deficiency of ADAMTS13), could parallel that of long Covid.

Long Covid Analysed
Long Covid and the association with T-cell dysregulation
Listen now (6 min) | Long Covid appears to be complex because we are treating it as a single disease. In reality, it may be an exacerbation of underlying inflammatory issues, unmasked by the infection. My question is, why can it not settle within a few months like most other post viral conditions…
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The research journey continues.

Gerlicz-Kowalczuk, Zofia, et al. "ADAMTS13 deficiency and immunological abnormalities in patients with systemic sclerosis." Advances in Dermatology and Allergology/Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii 35.2 (2018): 182-184.

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Long Covid Analysed
Long Covid Analysed Podcast
Thorough investigation into all aspects of long Covid disease