First a valid opinion and request. The reference to any thing should no longer be Long Covid, unless it pertains to findings only of 2020. Let someone find a better term, until then let it be Long Covid cum Vaccine. You have already supported my view that since 2021, this pandemic runs on mixed biology of both the virus and vaccine. Your title question is eminently possible, but needs to be supported by some research findings. In atleast seriously enquiring medical circles like yours, it is recognised that the disease is viral mediated inflammation and immune misfiring is usually part of it. So must be the lingering effects of both the infection and multiple vaccinations. Any resolution of them would have to be centered on removing the lingering pathogenic parts from either source from the body. Perhaps a long 3-6 month course of Ivermectin and an appropriate anti histamine, which should be generally safe and should be adequate also, in addition to medications for other presentations. A well designed treatment also is valid proof for the diagnosis.
No, long covid and long vaxx are two different things, although some people may have both. I have not had the vaccine, but I have been sick with long covid for 2 years since being hospitalised with what was called covid in 2022. I am living proof that there is such a beast as long covid, that is quite distinct from long vax. I cannot be dumped into the vaxxed category unless casual shedding (by limited, not intimate contact) between people, or dental anesthetics, or chemtrails, are proven as mechanisms for delivering the vaxx.
But I agree with you about let's try it out to see. I have taken various protocols because during the two years I have also been diagnosed with two different cancers (both stage 1) and so am actively treating them as parasitic, with anti-parasitic protocols. But I have to say that none of these protocols has in any way reduced the long covid symptoms. The only thing that has helped is nicotine which has effectively treated the brain fog but needs to be repeated at regular intervals to keep my brain clear.
So why are you recommending a 3-6 month course of Ivermectin, and why do you want it accompanied by an anti-histamine? If you were to recommend a well designed treatment protocol, I would certainly consider applying it, subject to scrutiny. My life is not particularly worth living at the level of disability inflicted by the "long-covid". I have a number of newly diagnosed ailments (since covid in 2022) that are lining us to see which is going to kill me first, meaning I have nothing much to lose by using myself, as I have been for a while now, as a living experiment.
I am very much moved and disturbed to read about your medical condition and pray sincerely for your total recovery. I wonder why your 2022 infection created so much misery afterwards, Omicron being a very mild variant. Either you left yourself untreated in the early days or got yourself Paxlovid as anti viral. In either case, you didn’t get rid of your resident viral load. Even though you are unvaccinated, you must have been caught by the vaccine spike shedding, which almost became a parallel epidemic in highly vaccinated countries like USA. I am not from medicine either, a long retired organic chemist living in India (PhD) and took to reading some medicinal chemistry as personal interest. In the course of following this virus, the disease, and treatments, I could do quite a bit of reading on the diverse potential of Icermectin, including its positive effect in cancer. Read about Fenbendazole also. Anti histamines have been among the primary warriors against covid in many parts of the world, including here in India. From a chemistry perspective, I feel they are anti viral too. As you said, the post infection effect could be a parasitic condition also, as well explained by you. It was my gut feeling too that Ivermectin and Fenbenazole ( or Albendaze) in combination are much better cancer therapeutics, than as single drugs. And DCC was what Dr. Chetty had suggested for the covid pneumonia, to clear the lungs of debris like dead cells. I feel that the medicines you had listed must remain as part of your therapeutic regimen, but you should get a good, clinically minded doctor to guide you. That seems to be the problem in the USA in this pandemic. I wish and pray that You are blessed with such a resource soon.
I was left untreated in the early days - I called the ambulance three times and they declined to take me to hospital until my oxygen had dropped to 80%. Once in hospital I was fortunate that they did not offer any antivirals. They had me on some kind of anti-inflammatory drug, and on antibiotics for the double pneumonia (maybe golden staph). Otherwise it was left to my body to recover alone.
But also no such thing local to me as a good clinically minded doctor to guide me. Rather I am having to guide doctors. I am having to work out what to do, then ask for their support for my chosen pathway - at least for them to write the tests I want run while I work out over the counter treatments for what I manage to get them to detect with their tests. I consider myself lucky when i find a doctor who will do that. but I have to take my lead from what I learn on the internet, often inspired by substack writers, which I follow up with deeper research.
That was your undoing. No early treatments. With classical respiratory tract medicines. No Azithromycin, no Montelukast, no Levocetrizine, No Ivermectin and a score of others for a combination to choose from. I was 76 in Jan 2022 when I caught Omicron. Low grade fever for 4 days and a severe sore throat. I had kept these ready, a week long course on my own. I was back to normal in a week and kept Dexomethorpan syrup/lozenges for a few more days to clear the throat. From my background, I knew all these were additionally anti virals. Only thing is you needed a combination to get the total anti viral fire power to help you douse the viral load that normally builds up in early days. These were the dozen odd known drugs that were pressed into service as early treatments by thousands of doctors in the country by mid 2021, by when Delta was ravaging the country. If that surge took the earlier three months, in the next three this protocol ensured that the virus was bottled up securely, never to rise again. The quick, big Omicron surge in early 2022 was as quickly driven out with the same protocols. The country has been practically Covid free for over two years now.. Early treatments also meant that there was by and large no long Covid baggage in the population. I wonder why the USA fell into this trap of m-RNA repeat vaccines and the pricy, ineffective Paxlovids, when all that was needed was a few simple prescription drugs and a few OTC drugs. You are not alone, millions in the USA have suffered the long term effects because of the denial of early, clinically sound medicines.
On a different note, I quickly looked at a couple of your presentations and was very impressed. I would go through all of them. By and large, I share your sentiments on the present state of medical attentions every where. You are doing a fantastic job of researching out very valuable information, not just for yourself, but for the people at large. That energy will help in your physical recovery too. All the best and God bless you.
As I reflect on the comments, it is important to note that my research is not just about Long Covid, but the whole spectrum of post viral diseases, including ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.
Without a primary pathophysiology, it is very difficult to find answers.
If we are speculating, then what about extending this idea further?
As a non-medical person, I often work back from a medical intervention that works, to what that medical intervention is supposed to treat. Ivermectin works for both covid and long covid (to some degree), and it's day job is as an anti-parasitic. So is there a chance that what ails us is a parasite, perhaps a parasite in the lymphatic system?
In relation to cancer treatment, ivermectin and fenbendazole both work and seem to work better when taken together rather than alone. I read somewhere now lost to memory, that these two work well together because fenbendazole predominantly works in the organs such as the liver and pancreas, and ivermectin predominantly works via the lymphatic system.
And if parasites are able to live out at least part of their lifecycle in the lymphatic system, might the spike protein - which seems to behave like a parasite - also be able to proliferate in the body via the lymphatic system and do some damage while it is there?
I asked ChatGPT "Is ivermectin able to treat parasites in the lymphatic system?"
"Yes, ivermectin is used to treat certain parasitic infections that affect the lymphatic system, particularly those caused by filarial worms."
It then goes on to tell us that it is not entirely effective and should be use alongside Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) and Albendazole, which is, as we know, a close relative with similar mechanisms to fenbendazole.
So back to the medical professionals. How do we find out if what ails us is parasites in the lymphatic system?
I was going through the comments again today, after about 3 months. I was first keen to know if you have recovered well in the interim, with your largely well designed self therapy. You must see if FLCCC can provide you with off beat consultative help.,
Whatever lingers on in our body and causes problem is a parasite - that should include the residual virus (after an infection) and/or the vaccine spike from shedding. So your view sounds very logical and the medical professionals must take it seriously. The four infections - bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic - also could be cross functional, often overlap in effects, even if they are different biological species. It is time to take out the corresponding drugs also from their silos and look at them as integrated molecules. Azithromycin is already anti bacterial, anti viral, anti parasitic and who knows could be anti fungal also. DCC is a good anti parasitic, but might double up as anti viral too in flushing out these residues. Looking at the example of Ivermectin which seems to be there everywhere, even non anti infectives also need to be brought out from their label silos.
On another general note, we should keep these comments/conversations friendly. These are meant for sharing - an information, an experience or a view - which can be contested, but politely. This could be a one from Dr. McMillan himself. Let us make it an enriching experience, following and taking part in these substacks.
I am currently faring well as far as cancer is concerned, with nothing active or detected, but very badly with my original Fibromyalgia and what I am calling long covid (as quite distinct from long vax). Since my cancer operations on two different cancers I have cycled between ivermectin, fenbendazole, artemisinin and apricot kernels, to kill off any new parasitic problem, and modified citrus pectin to detox heavy metals and stop any possible adhesion of cancer cells to my body or one another.
Curiously cancer is taking a back seat to the rest that now ails me, what I am calling long covid, which is seriously disabling. I am working on the methylation cycle, given I have multiple variants on the MTHFR gene and a few of its methylation buddies. At the same time I am working on the mitochondria. Both of these are multiple steps away from the end results of disease, and so there is no way of knowing if anything I am doing is working. I am giving it a year to see results - presuming I live that long. I have support from one GP who does not understand what I am doing and so cannot help me do it, but who will write pathology tests if he thinks they are sensible.
I am using all this to once again chase the FMS that I first had to deal with at 13 years old, and see if i can find its source. So far, the answer is no, the symptoms worsen no matter what I do. My latest thought is some long lost persistent virus or some single celled life form that none of the anti-parastics (ivermectin, fenbendazole, artemisinin, apricot kernels, olive leaf extract) have come near to treating. But how to find it I have no idea.
And in the background of all that, every time I have some kind of relapse I use nicotine patches because they are the one thing I have found that has immediate short term impact, and will bring me back from sub-functional, to barely functional. I may have to use them more consistently for longer to see if i can get better results.
I am also wondering if I have to explore using elderberry or oregano, which seem to be the only two anti-virals in the natural pharmacy. I will start with more consistent dosing of nicotine for now and see how I go.
I cannot access prescription drugs except by importing them illegally from India, so I keep that to a minimum.
Thanks for your prompt response. Good that you have kept the troublesome cancer away, atleast you can now focus on your Fibromyalgia. You need to get rid of the residual pathogenic material from your body - mostly the hard looking virus. You need strong anti viral course with old school repurposed medicines, a combination of them. I would certainly favour anti histamines among them. I would suggest that you consult Dr. Shankara Chetty on line/over phone. He is the one with very good clinical understanding of these conditions. In any case, you need a supportive local doctor. That is the problem in the USA. In any other country, you would not have undergone the trauma you went through. Please take care.
Scanning the headlines of your past writing on the sidebar, you seem unaware of, or uninterested in the neurotoxic epitopes engineered into the spike protein, which are likely relieased by enzymatic cleavage and would account for a similar symptom profile in both long-vaxx and long-covid patients.
I'm not the one with a substack called "Long Covid Analysed". And yet I'm informing you here, not the other way around.
If I'm not writing substack articles, that's because I have the good sense to find and defer-to domain experts, and not contribute to filling the internet with vapid musings such as those you put on display here.
2 I would hope that someone with with your intelligence would understand that deferring to "experts", rather than checking the facts, is a core part of the problem.
3 Your tone is so vituperative that your rhetorical effect is the opposite of what you presumably want to achieve. You put people off your viewpoint, which is a pity, as you have useful things to say.
Hi Dr. McMillan, My 32 year old son became incredibly ill and bedridden after having covid in aug2024. He had some symptoms of me/cfs prior that might have been the result of lyme. He was treated with tricyclics, and some nutritionist support and after 40 days he was still in very bad shape. He then tried massage from a very skilled practitioner that did only hands on lymphatic massage with that massage techniques. He also did fascia release and resistant stretching. In 5 days he became so much better that his physician remarked on quickly he had come along. The therapist had to start gently, but even that helped. The therapist's also believed that the lymph system was very sluggish and felt the resistant stretching and fascia release helped to create a "pump action" for the lymph. He had no crashes using this therapy. He is still recovering but can walk 5 miles in a day and can do basic cognitive tasks. The involvement of the lymphatic system is very interesting. There are imaging people at MGH interested in developing better imaging tests. but a good "hands on" practitioner could probably determine just as much on most lymph nodes other than the ones in the brain. Thank you for your research.
First a valid opinion and request. The reference to any thing should no longer be Long Covid, unless it pertains to findings only of 2020. Let someone find a better term, until then let it be Long Covid cum Vaccine. You have already supported my view that since 2021, this pandemic runs on mixed biology of both the virus and vaccine. Your title question is eminently possible, but needs to be supported by some research findings. In atleast seriously enquiring medical circles like yours, it is recognised that the disease is viral mediated inflammation and immune misfiring is usually part of it. So must be the lingering effects of both the infection and multiple vaccinations. Any resolution of them would have to be centered on removing the lingering pathogenic parts from either source from the body. Perhaps a long 3-6 month course of Ivermectin and an appropriate anti histamine, which should be generally safe and should be adequate also, in addition to medications for other presentations. A well designed treatment also is valid proof for the diagnosis.
No, long covid and long vaxx are two different things, although some people may have both. I have not had the vaccine, but I have been sick with long covid for 2 years since being hospitalised with what was called covid in 2022. I am living proof that there is such a beast as long covid, that is quite distinct from long vax. I cannot be dumped into the vaxxed category unless casual shedding (by limited, not intimate contact) between people, or dental anesthetics, or chemtrails, are proven as mechanisms for delivering the vaxx.
But I agree with you about let's try it out to see. I have taken various protocols because during the two years I have also been diagnosed with two different cancers (both stage 1) and so am actively treating them as parasitic, with anti-parasitic protocols. But I have to say that none of these protocols has in any way reduced the long covid symptoms. The only thing that has helped is nicotine which has effectively treated the brain fog but needs to be repeated at regular intervals to keep my brain clear.
So why are you recommending a 3-6 month course of Ivermectin, and why do you want it accompanied by an anti-histamine? If you were to recommend a well designed treatment protocol, I would certainly consider applying it, subject to scrutiny. My life is not particularly worth living at the level of disability inflicted by the "long-covid". I have a number of newly diagnosed ailments (since covid in 2022) that are lining us to see which is going to kill me first, meaning I have nothing much to lose by using myself, as I have been for a while now, as a living experiment.
I am very much moved and disturbed to read about your medical condition and pray sincerely for your total recovery. I wonder why your 2022 infection created so much misery afterwards, Omicron being a very mild variant. Either you left yourself untreated in the early days or got yourself Paxlovid as anti viral. In either case, you didn’t get rid of your resident viral load. Even though you are unvaccinated, you must have been caught by the vaccine spike shedding, which almost became a parallel epidemic in highly vaccinated countries like USA. I am not from medicine either, a long retired organic chemist living in India (PhD) and took to reading some medicinal chemistry as personal interest. In the course of following this virus, the disease, and treatments, I could do quite a bit of reading on the diverse potential of Icermectin, including its positive effect in cancer. Read about Fenbendazole also. Anti histamines have been among the primary warriors against covid in many parts of the world, including here in India. From a chemistry perspective, I feel they are anti viral too. As you said, the post infection effect could be a parasitic condition also, as well explained by you. It was my gut feeling too that Ivermectin and Fenbenazole ( or Albendaze) in combination are much better cancer therapeutics, than as single drugs. And DCC was what Dr. Chetty had suggested for the covid pneumonia, to clear the lungs of debris like dead cells. I feel that the medicines you had listed must remain as part of your therapeutic regimen, but you should get a good, clinically minded doctor to guide you. That seems to be the problem in the USA in this pandemic. I wish and pray that You are blessed with such a resource soon.
I was left untreated in the early days - I called the ambulance three times and they declined to take me to hospital until my oxygen had dropped to 80%. Once in hospital I was fortunate that they did not offer any antivirals. They had me on some kind of anti-inflammatory drug, and on antibiotics for the double pneumonia (maybe golden staph). Otherwise it was left to my body to recover alone.
But also no such thing local to me as a good clinically minded doctor to guide me. Rather I am having to guide doctors. I am having to work out what to do, then ask for their support for my chosen pathway - at least for them to write the tests I want run while I work out over the counter treatments for what I manage to get them to detect with their tests. I consider myself lucky when i find a doctor who will do that. but I have to take my lead from what I learn on the internet, often inspired by substack writers, which I follow up with deeper research.
That was your undoing. No early treatments. With classical respiratory tract medicines. No Azithromycin, no Montelukast, no Levocetrizine, No Ivermectin and a score of others for a combination to choose from. I was 76 in Jan 2022 when I caught Omicron. Low grade fever for 4 days and a severe sore throat. I had kept these ready, a week long course on my own. I was back to normal in a week and kept Dexomethorpan syrup/lozenges for a few more days to clear the throat. From my background, I knew all these were additionally anti virals. Only thing is you needed a combination to get the total anti viral fire power to help you douse the viral load that normally builds up in early days. These were the dozen odd known drugs that were pressed into service as early treatments by thousands of doctors in the country by mid 2021, by when Delta was ravaging the country. If that surge took the earlier three months, in the next three this protocol ensured that the virus was bottled up securely, never to rise again. The quick, big Omicron surge in early 2022 was as quickly driven out with the same protocols. The country has been practically Covid free for over two years now.. Early treatments also meant that there was by and large no long Covid baggage in the population. I wonder why the USA fell into this trap of m-RNA repeat vaccines and the pricy, ineffective Paxlovids, when all that was needed was a few simple prescription drugs and a few OTC drugs. You are not alone, millions in the USA have suffered the long term effects because of the denial of early, clinically sound medicines.
On a different note, I quickly looked at a couple of your presentations and was very impressed. I would go through all of them. By and large, I share your sentiments on the present state of medical attentions every where. You are doing a fantastic job of researching out very valuable information, not just for yourself, but for the people at large. That energy will help in your physical recovery too. All the best and God bless you.
and overlap with ME/CFS too I guess
As I reflect on the comments, it is important to note that my research is not just about Long Covid, but the whole spectrum of post viral diseases, including ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.
Without a primary pathophysiology, it is very difficult to find answers.
If we are speculating, then what about extending this idea further?
As a non-medical person, I often work back from a medical intervention that works, to what that medical intervention is supposed to treat. Ivermectin works for both covid and long covid (to some degree), and it's day job is as an anti-parasitic. So is there a chance that what ails us is a parasite, perhaps a parasite in the lymphatic system?
In relation to cancer treatment, ivermectin and fenbendazole both work and seem to work better when taken together rather than alone. I read somewhere now lost to memory, that these two work well together because fenbendazole predominantly works in the organs such as the liver and pancreas, and ivermectin predominantly works via the lymphatic system.
And if parasites are able to live out at least part of their lifecycle in the lymphatic system, might the spike protein - which seems to behave like a parasite - also be able to proliferate in the body via the lymphatic system and do some damage while it is there?
I asked ChatGPT "Is ivermectin able to treat parasites in the lymphatic system?"
"Yes, ivermectin is used to treat certain parasitic infections that affect the lymphatic system, particularly those caused by filarial worms."
It then goes on to tell us that it is not entirely effective and should be use alongside Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) and Albendazole, which is, as we know, a close relative with similar mechanisms to fenbendazole.
So back to the medical professionals. How do we find out if what ails us is parasites in the lymphatic system?
I was going through the comments again today, after about 3 months. I was first keen to know if you have recovered well in the interim, with your largely well designed self therapy. You must see if FLCCC can provide you with off beat consultative help.,
Whatever lingers on in our body and causes problem is a parasite - that should include the residual virus (after an infection) and/or the vaccine spike from shedding. So your view sounds very logical and the medical professionals must take it seriously. The four infections - bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic - also could be cross functional, often overlap in effects, even if they are different biological species. It is time to take out the corresponding drugs also from their silos and look at them as integrated molecules. Azithromycin is already anti bacterial, anti viral, anti parasitic and who knows could be anti fungal also. DCC is a good anti parasitic, but might double up as anti viral too in flushing out these residues. Looking at the example of Ivermectin which seems to be there everywhere, even non anti infectives also need to be brought out from their label silos.
On another general note, we should keep these comments/conversations friendly. These are meant for sharing - an information, an experience or a view - which can be contested, but politely. This could be a one from Dr. McMillan himself. Let us make it an enriching experience, following and taking part in these substacks.
I am currently faring well as far as cancer is concerned, with nothing active or detected, but very badly with my original Fibromyalgia and what I am calling long covid (as quite distinct from long vax). Since my cancer operations on two different cancers I have cycled between ivermectin, fenbendazole, artemisinin and apricot kernels, to kill off any new parasitic problem, and modified citrus pectin to detox heavy metals and stop any possible adhesion of cancer cells to my body or one another.
Curiously cancer is taking a back seat to the rest that now ails me, what I am calling long covid, which is seriously disabling. I am working on the methylation cycle, given I have multiple variants on the MTHFR gene and a few of its methylation buddies. At the same time I am working on the mitochondria. Both of these are multiple steps away from the end results of disease, and so there is no way of knowing if anything I am doing is working. I am giving it a year to see results - presuming I live that long. I have support from one GP who does not understand what I am doing and so cannot help me do it, but who will write pathology tests if he thinks they are sensible.
I am using all this to once again chase the FMS that I first had to deal with at 13 years old, and see if i can find its source. So far, the answer is no, the symptoms worsen no matter what I do. My latest thought is some long lost persistent virus or some single celled life form that none of the anti-parastics (ivermectin, fenbendazole, artemisinin, apricot kernels, olive leaf extract) have come near to treating. But how to find it I have no idea.
And in the background of all that, every time I have some kind of relapse I use nicotine patches because they are the one thing I have found that has immediate short term impact, and will bring me back from sub-functional, to barely functional. I may have to use them more consistently for longer to see if i can get better results.
I am also wondering if I have to explore using elderberry or oregano, which seem to be the only two anti-virals in the natural pharmacy. I will start with more consistent dosing of nicotine for now and see how I go.
I cannot access prescription drugs except by importing them illegally from India, so I keep that to a minimum.
Thanks for your prompt response. Good that you have kept the troublesome cancer away, atleast you can now focus on your Fibromyalgia. You need to get rid of the residual pathogenic material from your body - mostly the hard looking virus. You need strong anti viral course with old school repurposed medicines, a combination of them. I would certainly favour anti histamines among them. I would suggest that you consult Dr. Shankara Chetty on line/over phone. He is the one with very good clinical understanding of these conditions. In any case, you need a supportive local doctor. That is the problem in the USA. In any other country, you would not have undergone the trauma you went through. Please take care.
Scanning the headlines of your past writing on the sidebar, you seem unaware of, or uninterested in the neurotoxic epitopes engineered into the spike protein, which are likely relieased by enzymatic cleavage and would account for a similar symptom profile in both long-vaxx and long-covid patients.
Or maybe you're a victim of them.
I see you have zero posts, which would mean (following your reasoning) that you have no interest in anything.
I'm not the one with a substack called "Long Covid Analysed". And yet I'm informing you here, not the other way around.
If I'm not writing substack articles, that's because I have the good sense to find and defer-to domain experts, and not contribute to filling the internet with vapid musings such as those you put on display here.
We desperately need more research into the digestion products of that engineered spike protein. Hammerstrom 2023 has been delayed to print.
Wrong on 3 counts.
1 You have not informed me of anything.
2 I would hope that someone with with your intelligence would understand that deferring to "experts", rather than checking the facts, is a core part of the problem.
3 Your tone is so vituperative that your rhetorical effect is the opposite of what you presumably want to achieve. You put people off your viewpoint, which is a pity, as you have useful things to say.
Hi Dr. McMillan, My 32 year old son became incredibly ill and bedridden after having covid in aug2024. He had some symptoms of me/cfs prior that might have been the result of lyme. He was treated with tricyclics, and some nutritionist support and after 40 days he was still in very bad shape. He then tried massage from a very skilled practitioner that did only hands on lymphatic massage with that massage techniques. He also did fascia release and resistant stretching. In 5 days he became so much better that his physician remarked on quickly he had come along. The therapist had to start gently, but even that helped. The therapist's also believed that the lymph system was very sluggish and felt the resistant stretching and fascia release helped to create a "pump action" for the lymph. He had no crashes using this therapy. He is still recovering but can walk 5 miles in a day and can do basic cognitive tasks. The involvement of the lymphatic system is very interesting. There are imaging people at MGH interested in developing better imaging tests. but a good "hands on" practitioner could probably determine just as much on most lymph nodes other than the ones in the brain. Thank you for your research.