For treatment purposes, LC/LV could be regarded as two thirds pathogenic condition and one third internal damage recovery, mostly mitochondria. The second part is essentially a natural process, slow and aided by food choices and supplements. The pathogenic condition ( allergy, immune, inflammation or infection or even a mix) is also a slow process, if the recovery is just left to the body. Together, it can be a very low process, as much as two plus years experienced by many. The pathogenic condition should be amenable to quick resolution by a combination of known medicines - anti histamines, anti inflammatories, immune modulators and part anti virals like azithromycin, ivermectin, montelukast etc. The catch strategy here is a combination, not just one of them. Besides their indicated roles, all of them are anti virals too. Only a combination can resolve the multifaceted pathogenic condition. Both this medicinal intervention and mitochondrial recovery process should run concurrently, as each can influence the improvement in the other. Essentially, these are aimed at flushing out the spike reservoirs in the body driving the long covid presentations. Doctors should consider this template seriously. While Dr. Tina Peers has chosen the right drugs in her case study, mostly she has used them one at a time. This might be inadequate both in terms of quality of recovery and speed. She can consider fine tuning her therapy on the lines of this suggestion and in consultation with the experts here. It is also necessary to follow a set of patients right through with periodic antigen assays and match them with the visual patterns of recovery.
I would very much request Dr. McMillan and Dr. Tina Peers to give their views on my comments here, especially the template for treating LC/LV. In fact, I would feel elated if Dr. McMillan can take the views of Dr. Shankara Chetty also. They could be posted in the boxes here.
Multiple drugs highly relevant to the condition would also provide different mechanisms of work. There is every reason to believe that these drugs are not just part anti virals, but part anti inflammatories, part immune modulating, part anti allergic and some even part anti infectives, even as one of them could be their primary indication. Whether it is covid infection or LC/LV conditions, I think a combination of them should be considered. That is also the general norm for treating respiratory conditions. These drugs have well known safety profiles and a course of them should be well in order.
Is the ARC device something that humans can use, even though it is marketed for horses?
For treatment purposes, LC/LV could be regarded as two thirds pathogenic condition and one third internal damage recovery, mostly mitochondria. The second part is essentially a natural process, slow and aided by food choices and supplements. The pathogenic condition ( allergy, immune, inflammation or infection or even a mix) is also a slow process, if the recovery is just left to the body. Together, it can be a very low process, as much as two plus years experienced by many. The pathogenic condition should be amenable to quick resolution by a combination of known medicines - anti histamines, anti inflammatories, immune modulators and part anti virals like azithromycin, ivermectin, montelukast etc. The catch strategy here is a combination, not just one of them. Besides their indicated roles, all of them are anti virals too. Only a combination can resolve the multifaceted pathogenic condition. Both this medicinal intervention and mitochondrial recovery process should run concurrently, as each can influence the improvement in the other. Essentially, these are aimed at flushing out the spike reservoirs in the body driving the long covid presentations. Doctors should consider this template seriously. While Dr. Tina Peers has chosen the right drugs in her case study, mostly she has used them one at a time. This might be inadequate both in terms of quality of recovery and speed. She can consider fine tuning her therapy on the lines of this suggestion and in consultation with the experts here. It is also necessary to follow a set of patients right through with periodic antigen assays and match them with the visual patterns of recovery.
I would very much request Dr. McMillan and Dr. Tina Peers to give their views on my comments here, especially the template for treating LC/LV. In fact, I would feel elated if Dr. McMillan can take the views of Dr. Shankara Chetty also. They could be posted in the boxes here.
Multiple drugs highly relevant to the condition would also provide different mechanisms of work. There is every reason to believe that these drugs are not just part anti virals, but part anti inflammatories, part immune modulating, part anti allergic and some even part anti infectives, even as one of them could be their primary indication. Whether it is covid infection or LC/LV conditions, I think a combination of them should be considered. That is also the general norm for treating respiratory conditions. These drugs have well known safety profiles and a course of them should be well in order.