Dr. McMillan - Thank you for your non-ideological approach to COVID issue.
Question- If I understand Carlo Brogna's study correctly, it is not only that bacteriophage can cause bacterial growth in the poop in the gut, and that bacterial growth can hypothetically be transmitted fecal-hand-oral to others, BUT ALSO TO ONESELF. Right? If one has dysbiosis, and can not control or eliminate the bacteriophage (virus) outbreak in the gut, they can transmit it to themselves to compound the exposure. So, personal hygiene would be important, the number of bathrooms in a family would be important, and eating food with hands (burritos, tacos, falafel) as they do in India, Pakistan and Mexico, or Mexicans in America, instead of using forks, might be a disease pathway? Wearing a mask might force bacteria in your mouth down your trachea into the gut, causing further dysbiosis??? Thanks. Wayne Lusvardi, USA
Dr. McMillan - Thank you for your non-ideological approach to COVID issue.
Question- If I understand Carlo Brogna's study correctly, it is not only that bacteriophage can cause bacterial growth in the poop in the gut, and that bacterial growth can hypothetically be transmitted fecal-hand-oral to others, BUT ALSO TO ONESELF. Right? If one has dysbiosis, and can not control or eliminate the bacteriophage (virus) outbreak in the gut, they can transmit it to themselves to compound the exposure. So, personal hygiene would be important, the number of bathrooms in a family would be important, and eating food with hands (burritos, tacos, falafel) as they do in India, Pakistan and Mexico, or Mexicans in America, instead of using forks, might be a disease pathway? Wearing a mask might force bacteria in your mouth down your trachea into the gut, causing further dysbiosis??? Thanks. Wayne Lusvardi, USA