Thank you for this. I had low hemoglobin and hematocrit numbers after covid. The doctors didn't care about it because it "wasn't low enough to worry about". It kept getting worse and I was getting sicker and sicker. I started eating high iron foods and taking an iron supplement and my numbers are now in the normal range and I'm slowly improving. They also did give me high dose prednisone on a long taper top bring down the inflammation.

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There is no evidence to support a medical diagnosis of what you continue to affirm as 'long Covid'. That is the very definition of a pseudoscience; a claim posing to be scientific that is based on no more than a supposition. A person who catches one cold after another and never seems to be well is presumed by believers in this pseudoscience to have 'long Covid'. Is it not possible that they have some kind of a problem with their natural immune systems such that they are seemingly unable to get well again that is caused by something else? 'PCR positive for Covid' is clearly pseudoscience where even the FDA has said that PCR cannot be used to diagnose for Covid. Why do you continue to promote this false narrative?

We need to start calling it as it is:

Try asking for a prescription for any mRNA product.

You will not get one. No doctor will put their signature on a prescription, why? Because they know they will be liable for writing a prescription for an experimental medical product without providing the patient with the product manufacture's disclosure of the risks and benefits, because there is no such disclosure. As such, it is not possible for the patient to give informed consent. It has been, and continues to be, at the very least: a violation of fundamental human rights, a violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg codes, reckless endangerment of the public for financial profit, misuse and abuse of public trust, assault, manslaughter, murder, governmental democide of their trusting 'citizens' and violation of public trust. And this is not to mention violation of God's fundamental law which is to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". The whole operation is being conducted like a secret society cult where are only the upper echelon of the membership know what the true agenda is. In a secret society, all the members are bribed and coerced to keep them in line. They are sworn to secrecy with their lives threatened if they break the code. They are sworn to protect and cover each other and set themselves in opposition and enmity to all nonmembers. What the member base does not realize however is that the top of the pyramid is not attached to the base but floating above it. (See the power pyramid imaged on the US one dollar bill.) When the top of the pyramid is threatened, the base is sacrificed without loss of a tear. Do you think any of these installed WEF young global leaders don't know what these shots are really for and do you really believe they received them themselves? Do you really think Trudeau for example received any of these lethal injections? The lower levels trust the upper levels. Doctors, military personnel, police, lawyers and prosecutors, corporate employees and citizens of government corporations I.e. the general public, were all coerced to take these shots without having been given the risks and benefits necessary for proper informed consent.

One has to ask, where are the Unions established to protect the rights of private and government corporate employees? Have they also been captured, have they also betrayed and sacrificed their membership for money and power? It would seem so.

The upper echelon of this cult who are in the know, care nothing for the 'useful idiots' below them and have no trouble sacrificing them.

The corporate employees are waking up to what management has done to them, and make no mistake, citizens are corporate employees of their governments, the way the structure is. 'Represented government' means we have surrendered our rights 'in trust' to officials we believe we have elected.

This is the shock, the great 'Growing Up', the realization of the great betrayal of public trust which has occurred.

We must never again replace our trust in God with trust in man.

When Jesus was tested about 'God's Law', this is how He replied:

"Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Matthew 22:34-40

This must be the Rock going forward, and the basis for judgement of all those who have acted against the public, the people. Did what they do show love of God and love of their fellow man?

The judgement will be, nearly across-the-board, NO, they did not act with love of God or love of their fellow human beings.

"Come, let us return to the Lord."

And let us say, as did Joshua when challenged, "As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!”

Joshua 24:15

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