Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Hey doc, thanks for the invite, I go by AllOutOnline on YouTube. We have shared some good discussion regarding long covid. Even though I am not a doctor I can only report to you my personal experience. When I had Covid back in March of 2020 the first thing to go was my breathing. My chest immediately became tight and shortly after that my vision became a little blurry. After almost 3 years of dealing with this and 9 ER visits + God knows how many doctors visits later, some things have improved and some have evolved. I was dealing with about 20 or maybe even more symptoms originally, and it was unbearable, I honestly wanted to die. It got so bad and I was bullied by so many doctors to just get the vaccine, I caved and got 1 dose of Moderna in March 2021. Immediately my symptoms improved and my breathing returned 100% for 2 days. On day 3 the tightness in my chest returned and my breathing difficulties continued. I will say, since then almost all of my other symptoms are gone, including the blurry vision, that still comes and goes but has gotten much better. The ones that remain, headaches with shooting pain, chest pain, in some cases extreme fatigue I will elaborate more on that later, a weird rash that appeared on my leg after vaccination, and breathing difficulty. The breathing difficulty improves randomly with different tools like inhalers, steroids, supplements, exercise, but usually is short lived and what feels like inflammation or a blockage returns. The gas exchange on inhale and exhale is affected. All scans so far say everything is normal. Here are some interesting things to note. On days where my breathing seems 98-100% I get hit with insane fatigue. Eating food seems to help sometimes and breathing becomes a bit easier. Trying different combinations of supplements also seems to work great for a day or two but again, this feeling of internal inflammation or blockage inevitably returns. I am now trying megadoses of B1 to see if saturation of the cells will help with any Mitochondrial dysfunction but im less than a week into it with mixed results so far. I do think microclots and proteins the body cannot easily break down keep forming and can help explain why I feel different day to day. Again, Its hard to say. All I know is I search online every day for a new lead or possibility for a treatment I can afford and I thank you for not forgetting about people like me. Looking forward to your new hypothesis and if you ever need a lab rat you know where to find me. _Bryan

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Appreciate the support Bryan.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Always nice to have your updates on the quest to tackle this extremely hard and complex problem. The hard work is greatly appreciated!

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Thank you.

Getting research fatigue, but need to keep pushing.

Feels close.

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Thanks Dr. McM. You hit the Nail on the Head when you touched on not much money involved in researching & resolving the connection. Well done indeed you, for keeping on without much financial reward.

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deletedApr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan
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Have not shared my most recent research insights but I am very hopeful to see long term recovery soon.

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