
The overall point is that there are a number of benefits based on reports from individuals who were suffering with long Covid. From a clinical perspective, it is important to understand exactly the mechanism of the improvement in order to predict if it is a long, medium or short term effect.

The risks cannot be known as there is no adequate research on this issue.

There may be no problems but it cannot be clearly confirmed.

My personal instinct is that IgG4 could be the mechanism for benefit and therefore when levels fall, the symptoms could return.

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Dr. McMillan’s explanation sounds very convincing. But some details about the LC cohorts that the reported paper was addressing would be in order. Were they or not getting treated for pro inflammatory conditions ? If not, why not. They were experiencing a clinical condition and needed to be medicinally treated. If they were getting treated and the benefits were inadequate, why didn’t their doctors look for alternative anti inflammatory medicinal protocols ? Again, a clinical condition is best treated with appropriate medicines, rather than a vaccine. The vaccine may have reduced the incidence of inflammatory markers, but carried a certain long term downside - extended residency of spike remnants. After all, the basic premise for a LC treatment was getting rid of this reservoir.

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There is no mentioning in the paper of any of the cohorts of LC taking medicinal treatments for their condition. Given their clinical conditions, they must have been. That becomes a factor in the overall response they showed - reduction in inflammatory markers. The benefit then may not be exclusively vaccine mediated - medicines have more profound effect on such conditions as inflammation.

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Thanks Dr. McMillan for liking these views. You have made in recent times several presentations on aspects of long covid/long vax. They all have elicited very enthusiastic conversation among the readers/listeners/viewers. You should now be in a position to compile the various successful treatment protocols that people have been offered by their doctors. Kindly make a presentation about it sometime. We would all benefit from such practical knowledge of the medicines that were used profitably to treat LC/LV.

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Thanks for the topic. Anyway, here is some more info about IgG4 Antibodies, which maybe interesting in this context.

Study called: IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein.


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Saw this article in full. Here is a counter observation on IgG4. Good question that in the article, is it protective or pathogenic ? Regardless of which one it is, the moral of the story doesn’t change - that repeat vaccinations have no practical use looking ahead. Thank your luck if you don’t get sick. Mostly you will not. If you do get symptoms, just go for a course of old school medicines. You will

feel better. In the process, you would have get a dash of natural immunity.

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Now, you get infected, but there is no natural immunity. you can get infections again in like 4 or 6 weeks. if there was natural immunity, we would not have to care about covid as of now.

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Sorry to say, but you are wrong about that. there is almost no natural immunity vs. covid, that is why everyone can get it again even after a short timeframe. even the same variant. in that aspect, covid is like a typical cold (where you also have no immunity but you can get that cold again)

The next is, Novavax doesnt seem to trigger the same response as the MRNA vaccine, so there could be a difference between vaccine.

and no, typical medication does not help at all, that is why we have so limited medicines available.

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In this context, may it be useful to check your own IgG4 Antibody level, before making a decision ?

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Honestly, covid/long covid is a condition to be handled by experienced clinicians and physicians, not virologists. In fact, this pandemic got misfired from early on because of virologists and endocrinologists every where taking charge. The writer must also make the correct judgement whether his own condition is pure long covid or long vax. He would do well to take care of his present condition with appropriate treatments. In any case, vaccine (booster) will not prevent his chances of a fresh infection. When he does get one, he has to go for medicinal treatments, whether boosted or not. Omicrons do not normally cause serious illness and so it is a dead purpose for fresh vaccinations. In any case, serious illness does not happen overnight and if there are hints ahead, classical medicines can stop it.

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Wonder why this is

John Campbell

More deaths in the gene therapy group


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clinicians / physicians can absolutly do nothing if you have covid, all they can do is give you O2 if you have too low levels. else they will really do nothing at all.

you can stay safe, if you are lucky.

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You are from the USA, I suppose. Not the clinicians and physicians from countries like India. Please see my exhaustive postings in other podcasts of Dr. McMillan, like “ will there be an excessive mortality from covid from now on”. They were the ones who stopped a ravaging delta here after mid 2021 and a short burst of Omicron in early 2022. With simple medicines like Azithromycin, Montelukast, Levocetrizine, even Ivermectin and HCQ. They knew the value of early treatments and conventional protocols.

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How can anybody still ask stupid questions about Covid-19 jabs or about masks or about lockdown! Wake up sheep; open your eyes and your brain and read tons of research done in many countries about this medical tyranny we've just lived in. Sheep deserve anything they get! No wonder The psychologist Desmet Mattias talks about MASS FORMATION just like the French philosopher Gutav Le Bon did decades ago, even after decades of education, best universities, the internet developments, people still utterly ignorant: "The more educated people are, the more vulnerable they are for Mass Formation", Gustav Le bon. Glad we're not dying in Africa, glad the West called us uncivilised, uneducated and barbarians.....We have no Mycocarditis nor sudden deaths!

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Masks lol

DR HILARY The virus can drive a bus through the gaps of a mask


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A correction, it is not endocrinologists, but epidemiologists taking charge at the start of the pandemic. It was hospitalisations and illness that should have been the primary focus and exploring all options towards that end then. Instead, it was the spread, a primary interest of virologists and epidemiologists, that took the game away.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

The writer of the letter should watch pharmacologist Dr Hong's video from last sunday (2 days ago). Nothing more to say.

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