Interesting. I get my Vitamin D checked twice a year as I take 4000 IU every day and it varies a bit within the sufficiency range.
I’ll eat either Omega 3 as algae supplement or as Linseed oil with my porridge/ “musli”.
What would interest me though is why is my cholesterol level high, despite the fact that I don’t snack, hardly drink. Occasionally a glass of wine after some food. I drink whole milk, cook from scratch, no fizzy drinks, no sugar as much as possible, eat meat ( the real stuff) and eat fish.
I had a cholesterol blood test + Hb1c done at my GP a while ago, haven’t collected the result yet as she said I should have Statins which I blatantly refuse. I prefer to drop dead when the time comes…
Has the vitamin D intake something to do with the cholesterol level?
My osteoarthritis feels a bit more bearable with the Omega 3 and D3…
Functional MD w/ a team if western MD's since 12/2021 & after much testing/labs, throwing everything but kitchen sink at it including omega-3s (Carlson's fish oil daily dose), don't know my balance as mentioned here. MCV now high, @ every 4 months at least 40 Labs ordered.
Tgfb1 will not come down below the 19,000s, unable to maintain hydration throughout now sodium and chloride is low. IgG 4 hasn't been tested in a while, yet @ 1 time was high! & with ferritin, D dimer, CRT. Osmolality now low w/ a host of other variations in labs. Exhausted, took some kind of another hit this past September, 2023 barely recovering from it now still, yet I know, living hell it's moved into tiny hairs in auditory, LEFT, recent SHL/ conductive diagnosis / massive Cranium brain inflammation after moving up through shoulder pain /C spine into my TMJ ligaments on into auditory and Brain, 2nd. Neuroquant MRI/ brain shows " a few puncture foci of accessibility in the subcortical and deep white matter regions of the bilateral frontal lobes, findings may be late to a sequela a prior neurosetrosis infection or chronic microhemorrhages" & "Flow voids present w/major vessels indicating patency!" and them some!
Functional MD will not combine Western medicine with naturopathic (visits every 4 months, next July 22, 2023, I'd say regardless of the regimented multitude of the top best supplements including the fish oil something is not working!
Add: late Lyme/ Bartonella w 11 Co infec. EDS, MCAS, lupus potential yet she still hasn't texted me for MTHFR! I have all these labs all these verifications hopefully July 22nd me and functional MD can come up with an alternate route and that's if I even come out of this last hit.
Interesting. I get my Vitamin D checked twice a year as I take 4000 IU every day and it varies a bit within the sufficiency range.
I’ll eat either Omega 3 as algae supplement or as Linseed oil with my porridge/ “musli”.
What would interest me though is why is my cholesterol level high, despite the fact that I don’t snack, hardly drink. Occasionally a glass of wine after some food. I drink whole milk, cook from scratch, no fizzy drinks, no sugar as much as possible, eat meat ( the real stuff) and eat fish.
I had a cholesterol blood test + Hb1c done at my GP a while ago, haven’t collected the result yet as she said I should have Statins which I blatantly refuse. I prefer to drop dead when the time comes…
Has the vitamin D intake something to do with the cholesterol level?
My osteoarthritis feels a bit more bearable with the Omega 3 and D3…
Thank you Sabine for sharing.
From a clinical perspective, elevated cholesterol on a healthy diet suggests a genetic predisposition.
While statins have a bad name, they are particularly effective in that cohort of patients.
Worth considering.
Otherwise, check homocysteine levels.
What do you do if homocysteine levels are high?
Thank you Sir, appreciated.
I like my sardines, cheap too.
Functional MD w/ a team if western MD's since 12/2021 & after much testing/labs, throwing everything but kitchen sink at it including omega-3s (Carlson's fish oil daily dose), don't know my balance as mentioned here. MCV now high, @ every 4 months at least 40 Labs ordered.
Tgfb1 will not come down below the 19,000s, unable to maintain hydration throughout now sodium and chloride is low. IgG 4 hasn't been tested in a while, yet @ 1 time was high! & with ferritin, D dimer, CRT. Osmolality now low w/ a host of other variations in labs. Exhausted, took some kind of another hit this past September, 2023 barely recovering from it now still, yet I know, living hell it's moved into tiny hairs in auditory, LEFT, recent SHL/ conductive diagnosis / massive Cranium brain inflammation after moving up through shoulder pain /C spine into my TMJ ligaments on into auditory and Brain, 2nd. Neuroquant MRI/ brain shows " a few puncture foci of accessibility in the subcortical and deep white matter regions of the bilateral frontal lobes, findings may be late to a sequela a prior neurosetrosis infection or chronic microhemorrhages" & "Flow voids present w/major vessels indicating patency!" and them some!
Functional MD will not combine Western medicine with naturopathic (visits every 4 months, next July 22, 2023, I'd say regardless of the regimented multitude of the top best supplements including the fish oil something is not working!
Add: late Lyme/ Bartonella w 11 Co infec. EDS, MCAS, lupus potential yet she still hasn't texted me for MTHFR! I have all these labs all these verifications hopefully July 22nd me and functional MD can come up with an alternate route and that's if I even come out of this last hit.