The word on the long covid street, is that trying to make a dietary change such as keto when you don't have the energy to get out of bed, let alone make new meal plans, just isn't feasible for some. However, electro-acupuncture helped me get back up on my metabolic feet while I stayed on my regular diet and simply removed inflammatory foods like sugar and dairy while avoiding alcohol which adds toxic burden and coffee which messes with cortisol which is already out of whack. Some have reported that adding a bit of MCT oil to their diet helped give their brains fuel. I did try intermittent fasting for a while which seemed to help, but this was not done until I had already started to recover and before I tried electro-acupuncture. There are some dieticians who do not recommend fasting during the acute phase of any illness.
If you are unable to give it up, I've heard that drinking it with your meals and not on an empty stomach may be helpful. You might also want to look into something like Ashwagandha for helping with stress related cortisol.
Absolutely ! This is trial&error and its worth it. In my Bodybuilding time I exercised extrem Keto-diets. Yes - it stresses the body enormously but as long as you drink enough water, eat good fish, seafood and eggs (for the micronutients !!) You don't do harm to your body. AND: Exercises increase the efficiency of Keto. Try not to exceed HR over 120 so you remain in the fatburning metsbolism. Make long walks - 60 - 120 min.. Enjoy nature. Drink coffee tee as you like. NO ALCOHOL ! Absolut poison. Eat very 1 green banana/day- they have less sugar and feed you with good bacteria for the intestines. 1 high fat yoghurt 150 g/day won t do harm (lactose = carbs) and also gives you good digestive cultures. TRY - AND YOU LL SEE THE CHANGE. BEWARE: The first 4 - 6 weeks might be painfull, you do not see effects - GO THROUGH IT - the reward is comming. Continue then as long as you feel good. Maybe it works as a reset for the mitochondria ......
Do you have long covid or ME/CFS? Just wondering if you are speaking from the perspective of a healthy person on keto or someone who has a chronic illness.
The word on the long covid street, is that trying to make a dietary change such as keto when you don't have the energy to get out of bed, let alone make new meal plans, just isn't feasible for some. However, electro-acupuncture helped me get back up on my metabolic feet while I stayed on my regular diet and simply removed inflammatory foods like sugar and dairy while avoiding alcohol which adds toxic burden and coffee which messes with cortisol which is already out of whack. Some have reported that adding a bit of MCT oil to their diet helped give their brains fuel. I did try intermittent fasting for a while which seemed to help, but this was not done until I had already started to recover and before I tried electro-acupuncture. There are some dieticians who do not recommend fasting during the acute phase of any illness.
All approaches could cause some destabilization of the metabolic system.
Fasting although difficult is one very effective way to break the long covid cycle.
If you are unable to give it up, I've heard that drinking it with your meals and not on an empty stomach may be helpful. You might also want to look into something like Ashwagandha for helping with stress related cortisol.
Absolutely ! This is trial&error and its worth it. In my Bodybuilding time I exercised extrem Keto-diets. Yes - it stresses the body enormously but as long as you drink enough water, eat good fish, seafood and eggs (for the micronutients !!) You don't do harm to your body. AND: Exercises increase the efficiency of Keto. Try not to exceed HR over 120 so you remain in the fatburning metsbolism. Make long walks - 60 - 120 min.. Enjoy nature. Drink coffee tee as you like. NO ALCOHOL ! Absolut poison. Eat very 1 green banana/day- they have less sugar and feed you with good bacteria for the intestines. 1 high fat yoghurt 150 g/day won t do harm (lactose = carbs) and also gives you good digestive cultures. TRY - AND YOU LL SEE THE CHANGE. BEWARE: The first 4 - 6 weeks might be painfull, you do not see effects - GO THROUGH IT - the reward is comming. Continue then as long as you feel good. Maybe it works as a reset for the mitochondria ......
Do you have long covid or ME/CFS? Just wondering if you are speaking from the perspective of a healthy person on keto or someone who has a chronic illness.
Up to 5.8 million kids reportedly have Long Covid...
Good point.
Low to no carbohydrate diet is still ketogenic.
This is important to research thoroughly.