I also have had many tests, mri scans etc.... no cancer thank God so something else has my physicians “baffled”

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I’ve had whatever this long covid is for almost 3 years now. I’m unvaccinated. Unintentional weight loss of 70 lbs, hair loss, loss of taste and brain fog/cognitive impairment and chronic fatigue. I pray for the day a possible remedy will come. I truly believe what it really is- radiation damage/poisoning.

The more I am finding out about all of our exposure to EMF/5G and nanotechnology- it’s all becoming very clear to me. God help us all.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Very interesting, as ever.

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Good morning. They're getting there little by little. We already observed this two years ago.

Human microbiota is a reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 advantageous mutations


PDF ⬇️


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'Long Covid' is the downgrading of the Innate Immune system CAUSED BY THE COVID 19 MRNA 'VACCINES'. IT IS CALLED 'VAIDS', Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

See https://open.substack.com/pub/makismd/p/long-covid-propaganda-and-fraud-its?r=g4f3s&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

Dr. William Makis also has treatments for Spike protein intoxication that is causing the symptoms that are falsely being called 'Long Covid'.

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Intense conversations, these 25 odd comments. While it is clear that virus alone caused extended complications in some without vaccinations, mostly 2020 cases, it must be also be conceded that m-RNA vaccinations caused even more harm - more severe and in more people. The term long vax refers to very real phenomena. It was explained in an earlier podcast how these vaccines generate only very specific antibodies and not general immune cells like T-cells. This would definitely lead to extended weakening of immunity. So, these vaccines add to the sickening conditions. No one has described how they treated their infections, vaccinated or not. Critically, if they treated themselves early, how, and with what medications. Both repeat vaccinations and absence of early classical URT treatments have caused this long term issues. The geographical patterns are very clear. Based on the clinical patterns employed by them. While treating those affected thus is important, it is necessary to prevent future cases in countries where the virus is still doing rounds. This aspect must be well discussed in groups like this one. Start with successful experiences in many other parts of the world. There is this availability of exemplary clinical thinking here like that of Dr. Shankara Chetty.

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Dr. McMillan,

For the subjects in your study you claim to be suffering from 'long Covid', what percentage of these have received the mRNA Covid shots, when, what brand and how many shots?

Could it not be the case that 'long Covid' is in fact mRNA 'vaccine' immune system damage? It would appear you are chasing a phantom.

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deletedNov 21, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan
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